Great At Data

Whether you’re looking to analyze existing data, source new data, or clean up the data you already have, we’re here to help.

Matthew Maule

Founder, MM&A

Customer, Marketing, Ecommerce, & Performance Data for Travel and Retail Industries
  • about us

Data Is In Our DNA

While this is literally true, at Matthew Maule & Associates it is also figuratively undeniable! Allow us to introduce ourselves so you can understand how we might be able to help you!

A Self-Help Guide for the Analytical Management Wannabe

Become the ultimate Analytics Unicorn! The Book’s chapters read like a summarized transcript of one-on-one coaching sessions – an organized collection of soft-skill tips, quotes and situations accumulated over a span of twenty years. The target audience are fresh analysts, full of wonder and ideas, but equally blessed with rough edges and idiosyncrasies.

Purchase for yourself, or for your team, by clicking on the Amazon link below.

  • associates

Meet (Some Of) The Team

While the Associates pool continues to grow, please look around and see the caliber of professionals we have on the team or on the bench. We simply love working with these wonderful people.


Matthew Maule & Associates

“Disciplined with Data, Candid with the Insights.”

Matthew Maule & Associates

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